Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Channel One 11/09/09

Based on Today's Broadcast...Choose THREE of the topics below, and answer the questions that follow.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Channel One Blog #1

Hello, Everyone:

This is your first assignment for Channel One.

Please CLICK HERE for the link to the Document. Print the document and complete the questions. You can complete the questions on the blog, or handwrite.

Remember, you are only responsible for TWO Channel One Blog Posts per week.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Welcome to the Channel One Blog!

Hello, Channel One-ers!

Here is the blog for all things Channel One. As stated in class, you will be required to complete TWO (2) Channel One Posts for the week, based on the episodes viewed. Please note that this assignment must be completed on-line; paper or handwritten work will not be accepted.

Each channel one blog post is worth (5) points. Please note that you do not have to post to every episode. You are only responsible for two posts a week.

I will do my best to post the episode, and question each day.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation.